[Plugin] hexo-lazyload-element
hexo-lazyload-element is a HEXO plugin for lazyloading elements in post. Implement lazyloading with Intersection Observer
*for browsers not support Intersection Observer
, lazy load is not woking due to I did not integrate polyfill in this plugin to avoid unnecessary script size.
demo screenshot
Lazy load for img, video, and iframe
Support URL /Gradient /Blurhash for a customized placeholder image
Retry component embeded, for reloading when failed at loading image
Different syntaxes supported
Support for JavaScript-disabled browsers
*Support for RSS readers(extra script handling needed)
Install install dependency 1 npm install hexo-lazyload-element -S
Usage 1. Enable lazyload in _config.yml
_config.yml 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 lazyload: enable: true
2. Rebuild && Deploy rebuild 1 npm run clean && npm run build
All set, you’re good to fly!
Syntax elements img element markdown image element 1 
HTML img element 1 <img src ="https://abc.com/def.jpg" alt ="def" >
video element HTML video element 1 <video src ="https://abc.com/def.mp4" >
iframe element HTML iframe element 1 <iframe src ="htttps://baidu.com" > </iframe >
attributes no lazyload no-lazy
or $no-lazy
in alt attribute.
no-lazy in [alt] 1 
no-lazy with alt text 1 
no-lazy attribute 1 <img no-lazy src ="https://abc.com/def.jpg" alt ="def" >
placeholder image Supports <url>/<gradient>/blurhash .
Such as:
gradient 1 linear-gradient(to right , #ffa17f , #00223e )
blurhash 1 blurhash:Lb0V#qelf,flg+e-f6flg4g4f5fl
in []
placeholder in [alt] 1 
Or use placeholderimg
placeholderimg attribute 1 <img src ="https://pic.imgdb.cn/item/65558655c458853aef97be96.jpg" data-placeholderimg ="blurhash:Lb0V#qelf,flg+e-f6flg4g4f5fl" >
aspect-ratio Specifying aspect-ratio can prevent page reordering.
in []
aspect-ratio in [alt] 1 
Or use style
aspect-ratio in style 1 <img src ="https://pic.imgdb.cn/item/65558655c458853aef97be96.jpg" style ="aspect-ratio: 3/2" >
Some RSS readers do not recognise content in <noscript></noscript>
, this script below can extract these <img>
contents without <noscript>
format-rss.js 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 const fs = require ("fs" );const feedXML = fs.readFileSync ("public/feed.xml" , "utf-8" );const format = (content ) => { return content.replace (/<noscript>(<img.*?)<\/noscript>/g , (str, p1 ) => { return p1; }) }; fs.writeFileSync ("public/feed.xml" , format (feedXML));
package.json 1 2 3 4 5 "scripts" : { ... "build" : "hexo generate" , "format-rss" : "node custom-scripts/format-rss.js" , } ,
format-rss 1 npm run build && npm run format-rss